Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy

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  • Bilismart is a non-invasive phototherapy unit that provides treatment for neonatal jaundice.
  • It is a cost-effective alternative to blood transfusion.
  • With its immediate initiation of detoxification, Bilismart offers a quick solution.
  • Bilismart effectively counteracts BIND (Bilirubin Induced Neurological Dysfunction).
  • It is the most efficient method for administering phototherapy.
  • Bilismart is specifically designed for use in small hospitals and nursing homes, making it an ideal device for these settings.

Introducing the Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy – the ultimate solution for treating newborn jaundice. Manufactured by VNG Medical Innovation System Pvt Ltd, this non-invasive apparatus utilizes the power of phototherapy to reduce bilirubin levels in the baby’s blood, promoting a safe and effective treatment.

Newborn jaundice is a common condition that affects many infants worldwide. It occurs when there is an excess of bilirubin, a yellow pigment, in the baby’s blood. Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy is specifically designed to combat this condition by employing a method called photo-oxidation.

Phototherapy is a proven technique for lowering blood bilirubin levels. By exposing the baby’s skin to specific wavelengths of light, this innovative apparatus transforms trans-bilirubin into a water-soluble cis-bilirubin isomer. This transformation allows the body to eliminate bilirubin more efficiently, reducing the risk of complications associated with high bilirubin levels.

What sets Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy apart is its use of blue light, which has been scientifically proven to be the most effective color for phototherapy. The blue light emitted by this apparatus penetrates the baby’s skin, targeting the bilirubin and facilitating its breakdown. This targeted approach ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness in treating newborn jaundice.

In addition to its exceptional performance, Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy is designed with the utmost care and consideration for the baby’s comfort. The apparatus features a soft and gentle surface that ensures a soothing experience for the little one. Its ergonomic design allows for easy positioning and adjustment, ensuring optimal exposure to the blue light.

With Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy, parents can rest assured that their baby is receiving the best possible treatment for newborn jaundice. This state-of-the-art apparatus combines cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly design, making it a reliable and convenient solution for healthcare professionals and parents alike.

For healthcare providers and facilities in [insert city names], Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy is the ideal choice for treating newborn jaundice. Its international SEO optimized design ensures that it can be easily found and accessed by those searching for the best phototherapy solution in these cities. Trust in the expertise of VNG Medical Innovation System Pvt Ltd and choose Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy for effective and safe treatment of newborn jaundice.

In conclusion, Bilismart Under Surface Phototherapy is a non


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