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  • Comes in two models: The bed model and the floor model, both of which offer quick customization options
  • Perfect for individuals with sedentary lifestyles or those who are inactive
  • Suitable for various applications and uses
  • Equipped with a power adapter that allows for speed adjustment
  • Highly cost-effective, providing great value for the price
  • Designed with portability in mind, making it easy to transport from one place to another

AnkleMotion is a portable and compact device specifically engineered for continuous passive movement (CPM) of the ankle, providing the benefits of using ankle motion aids for walking. This innovative device enables flexion and extension movement of the ankle, promoting support even during periods of inactivity. Whether positioned in bed or while sitting, AnkleMotion accommodates various models to seamlessly integrate into one’s daily routine. By facilitating the movement of the feet, this continuous passive mobilization device plays a crucial role in preventing Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT), a potentially life-threatening condition.


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